Today we want to share with you guys some benefits of #Brown Rice!

When white versus brown, not only the color that matters the most. The utmost difference between white and brown is the process to make what they are. We believe that less is more. With only the outmost layer (the hull) removed, Brown rice retains its wholesomeness! Brown rice is natural gluten free, unrefined and unpolished whole grain in which the all the nutrients are locked in bran and germ layer, delivering extra-nutritious value compared to refined grains like white rice.
Some fully milled and polished white rice are required to be enriched with vitamins B1, B3 and iron in order to compensate the loss of nutrients during the process of milling and refining. Instead, Brown rice is natural and excellent source of essential minerals such as manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, magnesium and also vitamin B complex which brings tremendous health gains.
Surprisingly, the gluten free Brown rice exhibits superior antioxidant activities which can provide protections against free radical damages and also some diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancers such as colon cancer and breast cancer. Brown rice contains powerful antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase which protects cell from oxidation damage during energy production. Selenium which is rich in Brown rice plays an important role in antioxidant process which can help to destroy the cancerous cells and repairs DNA. Study shown that this healthful element can promote cardiovascular health and fights against the development of high blood pressure and hardening of arteries as well. Additionally, the phytonutrients found in Brown rice are almost as much phenolics found in fruits and vegetables. These phytonutrients are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties which promote a better immune system and healthier body.
Without going further through the process of milling and refining, the fiber contents are retained which make Brown rice, a low glycemic index food (low GI food). Because of this reason, Brown rice is perfect for diabetic and hyperglycemic individuals to eat in delicious and nutritious way. The fiber contents help to slow down the release of sugar into the blood and stabilize the blood sugar level in the body. American Diabetes Association suggests that Brown rice can be helpful in the prevention of diabetes and also makes a wiser choice among the various types of refined carbohydrates for all the individuals with diabetes to add into the daily diet for a delicious and nutrition balanced diet. Harvard studies also shown that the consumption of 50g of Brown rice a day could decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes by 16%. Besides, manganese that found in Brown rice can increase the synthesis of body fat. Hence, it is a better option for those who are concerned of body weight and obesity.
Start your healthy staple today! When white versus brown, choose the better MEWAH Brown rice! It is gluten free and ideally for your daily meals to move you towards healthier body.